That exploring the front yard could be so much fun?!! Sunday was another beautiful day in Tulsa, so we decided to try and spend as much time outside as was possible. After a walk around the fairgrounds, we came home and decided to let Evie explore the front yard. She had a great time looking at and touching everything. She saw a helicopter, put sticks into holes, climbed up the stairs, raced around the driveway, and explored the cars. She just toddles around like a champion now and likes to scoot away from mommy and daddy as quickly as possible:) It's just amazing to watch her do things that I take for granted and enjoy them so much. My favorite part of the exploration was watching her put sticks under the fence for Pete and Sophie and laugh when the were pulled under and disappeared! I hope that you all had a great weekend too and that you enjoy the pics! 

So cute! We miss her so much.
And we miss you too!
Wish we could enjoy the front yard time with you guys -- sounds like you are having so much fun. We just can't wait to be there!
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